7th Peripatetic Conference on Cognitive Systems Modeling: Around Information – Information Around


Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw invites you to: 7th Peripatetic Conference on Cognitive Systems Modeling: Around Information – Information Around


This is a Call for Abstracts for the 7th Peripatetic Conference on Cognitive Systems Modeling, which will take place on 18-21 October 2018 in the Polish Tatra mountains in a small mountain village Małe Ciche. The Peripatetic (from peripatētikós – “given to walking around”) conference, organized yearly by the University of Warsaw, brings together researchers on cognitive systems (from bacteria to societies) to discuss their newest work as well as more general problems (research, methodological, ethical) in studying and modeling cognition. 

The conference is especially suited for those cognitivists, who find it difficult to spend 10 hours in a closed room and who, like many before them, believe that the rarefied mountain air and physical exertion are beneficial for thinking and thinking together. Everyday we plan 2 stationary conference sessions about 3 hours each and a 4-5 hr peripatetic activity in the mountains. We will start on Thursday, Oct, 18th at 4pm and continue the conference programme through Saturday the 20th, reserving Sunday 21st for workshops and walks. See our website: http://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl if you like to navigate yourself, or let us guide you:

  • General information about the Conference and the description of this year’s Topic: Around Information – Information Aroundhttp://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl/#one
  • Our Invited speakers include Thea Cameron-Faulkner, Angelo Cangelosi, Bruno Galantucci, Ingar Brinck, Aleksandra Przegalińska, Marek Kuś, Łukasz Okruszekhttp://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl/#two
  • Costs of the conference: Fee 150PLN Researchers/50PLN Students (incl. PhD); Accommodation (350PLN room & board). Fee waivers available if you don’t have research/travel funding. Students can also apply for lowering the accommodation costs. Venue: „Gościniec nad Potokiem”, Małe Ciche 32B:http://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl/#three
  • Your Input: Direct relevance to this year’s topic should not condition your participation. You can share your findings, plans and troubles in 1 of 3 available formats: a talk (15min+5min discussion), a poster (with a 1 minute teaser; posters can feature also planned work on which you wish to receive feedback) and – especially for undergraduates – a book review (8min + 2 min discussion). Some recommended books are here Books but if you would like to propose a different one, be sure to consult your choice with joanna.leonardi@gmail.com. Work in progress is welcome and we especially encourage Students and PhD Students to participate. Invitation: http://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl/#four
  • Abstract submission till September 30thhttp://cogsys.strony.psych.uw.edu.pl/abstracts.html#registration (have your pic ready if you wish for it to appear in the conference book – max 1MB)

Please feel free to pass this invitation to the fellow cognitivists who would appreciate the spirit and the topic of the conference.

Looking forward to your abstracts!

With Peripatetic Greetings, 

The Organizing Team: Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, Konrad Zieliński, Ewa Machnacz, Agnieszka Kulesza & Julian Zubek

Data publikacji: 24 września 2018